Ebooks might seem like the latest and greatest fad, but they don't appear to be going anywhere! When it comes to writing an ebook, there are so many questions to answer. From topic to length to publication, there's a lot at stake with publishing an ineffective and ill-prepared piece. So when do you start writing an ebook? Let's talk.
This definition can change from person to person, but the ebooks I'm discussing here are those free or paid documents available for download from many blogs and websites. They are non-fiction and often share some insider knowledge about a particular niche or field.
Alas, the rub. One of the trickiest parts of writing an ebook is finding the topic. Once you have that, or even a vague idea of what you'd want to write about, you have to find the right time.
With all writing endeavors, there's a mix of "get started now" and "wait for the time to feel right."
An ebook is not expected to be a work of literary brilliance. It's not a flight of fancy or your big poetic moment. In fact, they're usually pretty technical in nature, even if they're motivational, creative, or otherwise on the border between tech and humanities.
Therefore, an ebook needs to be outlined and planned in advance. These are unique products intended to resolve a specific problem or address a need. You need to be able to identify that issue, break it down into all the corresponding pieces, and continue the deconstruction until it's complete.
If you understand the problem well enough to come up with a clear concept and outline, you can start writing.
That in no way means that you cannot start writing until you know what you're doing. This isn't driving or shooting a gun! I encourage you to start typing as soon as you feel inspired. The chances are that you'll find a direction you're passion about that you never realized before. You might not use some of the content in the end. You might even throw it away. Or, you could use that one inspired moment to write a really wonderful ebook you actually like.
If you find yourself writing your ebook in your head or practicing bits of text while showering, you need to start writing.
Much of what you write will be scratched, dumped, and edited into oblivion. That's okay! Writing, especially for non-pros, can be a chophouse with prepositions and adjectives all akimbo. Don't get too attached; just get it out.
Condensed version: Start writing now, and figure out what you actually like. Can't find something? Keep trying.
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