For those of you in the market to improve your content writing skills, there is one program out there in particular that will do that and more. It's through the user-generated content site, HubPages, which features an enormous variety of work from an even wider group of authors. Anyone can create an account and start writing, but not everyone gets access into the exclusive HubPages Apprenticeship Program.
Apprentices work for 6 months under the tutelage of one of HubPages' staff members. They learn key ideas, publish between 8-15 articles per month (while being paid a nominal fee for each), and improve their overall writing skills.
What's so great about that?
Well, absolutely every one of the skills taught in the Apprenticeship Program can be translated into your own blog and content writing efforts. From keyword research to the development of unique video content, you learn from experienced, knowledgeable people who want you to do this just as well as they do. Plus, you're paid!
Apprentices are lumped into various groups, so you don't go through it alone. Instead, you meet trustworthy sidekicks who read your work, offer helpful critiques, and share with their own friends. This draws in traffic (and since you're also paid through advertisements, if enrolled, you can earn even more this way).
Really, you're paid to learn how to be a better writer.
In the end, all of the content you create can earn income ad infinitum, so your hard work now will continue to pay off even more in the future.
First, you need to create an account on HubPages. Publish a few articles, get the feel of the site, and then apply!
I highly recommend using the site before applying so you know what to expect. Plus, it helps to have a broad understanding of the sorts of hub layouts and content that people enjoy the most.
Afraid there isn't room for you on HubPages? There's no way that's true! You can write about almost anything from the highly technical to the infinitely personal!
I'm not entirely sure of the statistics behind the HubPages Apprenticeship Program, but there is an application process. Not everyone is admitted, and even fewer of those admitted and who do the work do enough on time to even last the entire 6 month period. It can be a little treacherous, and you must publish at least 8 hubs (500-1500 words, usually) before the end of the month. You must also review the monthly lessons, put them into use, participate in the forums, and be an overall good hubber.
This takes work, so the Apprenticeship Program is not for everyone. But, if you know a little and wish you knew a lot, or just want to freshen up your content writing skills, I urge you to apply!
To get started, go ahead and visit the HubPages homepage. Feel free to seek me out (referral link) for help or guidance; I love welcoming new writers to the HubPages crew!
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