Website hit counters have sort of lost their appeal lately because they lack professionalism plus it gives information about your website that you may not really want your website visitors to have access to..
These days it's probably a bit more professional to use a website analytics program. The track visitors by placing a small snippet of code on each page that you'd like to track plus they will break down just about anything you need to know about your website traffic such as what website they were referred from to what their monitor resolution is set at.
Finding a website hit counter is very easy, as a matter of fact the sponsored links just to the right of this offer free website counters. Once you give the details of your website it'll automatically generate a snippet of HTML or Javascript that you can paste on your web pages.
As I mentioned though, this is going to have a counter that's visible to all of your website visitors and provide you with little more information than this. I would recommend looking into a website analytics program.
By far the most popular free option is Google Analytics. It's free to use and it gives you in depth tracking of your website visitors from their location, the referring website and you can even track customers that convert to sales.
I personally use Google Analytics because of the ability to customize the data that I get along with the ability to add additional websites. This is a free option so it is something we highly suggest you implement as soon as you get a site up and running.
If you're still wanting to add a hit counter to your webpage I'd recommend checking with Simple Hit Counter or visit one of the sponsors just to the right of this article.
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