One of the most important parts about maintaining your social media presence online is, you know, to do it. You need to share pictures, links, thoughts, and more on a regular basis. That can be more than a little challenging, especially if you're not able to sit in front of the computer screen all day long.
There are ways to get around this, however. You could always sign up for and use a service like HootSuite, but that's more for scheduling posts in advance. What if you just want to update your Facebook Page on the fly?
Well, perhaps you downloaded the Facebook app for Android devices. You'd find there that you can't actually update your Page, at least not as your Page. To use your Page, you'd actually have to log in to Facebook through the browser and treat it as you would on your computer.
There has to be an easier way to share a photo or quick status from your phone. Right?
Fortunately, there is! The Facebook Pages Manager app supplements and corrects all of the aspects neglected in the traditional Facebook app. You can view notifications, see new Likes, get insights and analytics on every post, and even post a status. It's the simple things in life...
The Facebook Pages Manager app isn't perfect. The entire set-up is flawed in the fact that you have to download a special program to do one thing, really.
"Yeah, I'd like to comment on my friend's Page as my Page. Can I do that over the phone?"
On the traditional Facebook app, you can select your Page and view notifications. But, you can't use Facebook as your Page except in very specific situations. That's resulted in me posting a few too many blog statuses on my personal Facebook profile and then having to go back in on my computer to hit delete.
On the Facebook Pages Manager app, you can now take care of those features, but you can't scroll through and view your Page's news feed. Since social engagement and community is one of the most important parts of my social media presence, this isn't something I really enjoy. You can't Like any of your favorite Pages' statuses or comment as yourself on their feed. To do that, you have to go back to your regular computer or use the browser.
And you know what? I think that's kind of lame. It's 2013, we have gadgets and devices that allow us to take advantage of the magic of the internet in so very many ways, yet we can't do one simple thing on one of the world's largest websites?
Of course, I can always take my own advice and install HootSuite or another social media management app, but that doesn't really resolve the central frustration here which is the fact that I can't have the complete Facebook experience through these apps. There are so many times when I'm out and about for whatever reason, sometimes the weather, sometimes family emergencies. On those occasions, I would like to have complete, unhindered Facebook access directly from this little gadget with its fancy and expensive data plan. Is that really so much to ask?
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