I last left off explaining some of the basic features of a standard web hosting plan. In this post I'm going to explain a few of the extras. I'm noticing that my posts are running a bit long so I'm going to start shortening them and actually breaking my posts down a bit more and rambling on less, which is tough to do considering that there is so much information that you need to know. With that said, here are a few extras that you should expect to see with most hosting plans.
1. Databases - Databases are a structured collection of records that can easily be recovered via queries. There are thousands of needs for a database such as forms that collect information, the products in your online shopping cart, blogs, etc. Basically any information that you need to store and retrieve via a programming language such as PHP or ASP. There are 3 main types of databases that you should be familiar with, MySQL, SQL and Coldfusion. In future posts I'll cover these the difference in these databases. I personally find MySQL to be the easiest to manage & setup. This blog actually uses MySQL. I would say that 10 databases would be the minimum number that any web hosting plan should offer.
2. Free software - It's difficult to actually find a web hosting company that doesn't offer some of the basic free applications such as forums, blogs, forms & shopping carts such as osCommerce. These are applications that can easily be installed on your web hosting account via a few clicks and some information. You'll find that a popular group of free applications is Fantastico, it will generally contain WordPress for blogs and osCommerce for online shopping carts. You'll also find that Fantastico will offer some great scripts for Live Support, FAQs & Website builders. You can find a list of the free Fantastico scripts at http://www.netenberg.com/fantastico_scripts.php. Many companies will offer the complete list while others will only offer a select group of scripts. Be sure to take the time to find out the free scripts & applications that your web host offers before spending money on a propriety application.
That's it, normally I would give a couple more features to look for but I'll save that for my next post so that I don't run too long. I realize that I have left certain items out but I'm trying to cut my posts down so please leave any comments with any questions or anything that I may have left out.
Best regards,
David Lalumendre
CEO/Founder - www.WebsiteSpot.com
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