An key part to making a website is the overall look and ease of use. You can get all the visitors you need but ultimately you want to get your visitors to return or if you're selling something you need to get the visitor to convert into a sale.
In this section I'm going to cover some of the more common mistakes by web designers and recommend some of the more standards of a website. Some of this will seem trivial since you've obviously been to websites before but it's still important to read and consider in your web building process.
As I'd mentioned, you ideally want your visitors to come back after their initial visit so sticking with certain standards is important. Don't just design the website with what you like, you need to consider your visitors as well. Below you'll find some tips and a brief explanation of each along with a link to detailed information for those tips that require additional explanation.
If you don't want to get right into building a website from scratch I'd recommend looking into website templates. The great thing on a beginners budget is the fact that there are 100's of websites that offer free website templates.
Free website templates allow you to achieve a professional look and all you need to do is fill in the blanks with your text and images. From there you can simply upload your website and it's online without spending hours trying to achieve the look that you want.
If you're not familiar with Flash, it's application that can be used to create cool effects such as introductions, games, etc. You can view an example of a flash website by clicking here.
The issue is that Flash is a plug-in which means that the visitor must have Flash installed on their computer in order to view it. The other issue is that Flash is delivered via a large file, for those people who don't have DSL or cable it could take quite awhile for the page to load.
Lastly and potentially the biggest reason to not use Flash is for search engine purposes. Search engines are unable to crawl a flash file and determine what it's about. This will keep you from obtaining natural search engine results.
CSS is a file that contains a bunch of shared formatting code that is separate from each web page. The benefit to CSS is that you can update one file and it'll update your entire website.
To give you an example, take a look at the heading 'CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)' just above this text. You'll find that I use the same type of heading on every single page of my website. If I decided that I wanted to change the font or the color of this I would have to open all 300+ pages of my site and update each page individually. With CSS all I have to do is open my CSS file and update one line of code, upload the one file to my server and every single page on my website is updated.
There are entire websites dedicated to CSS because of all of the possibilities. I've created a dedicated page to explain the basics. I would recommend taking the time to read my page on cascading style sheets.
I realize that this is all a bit overwhelming but look at it this way. At one point I knew nothing about web design and over time I was able to obtain the knowledge to manage my own network of websites.
My recommendation is start with the basics as I'd done and as your needs grow, come back and research the technologies that you are now needing.
Take a look at my page on hiring a web design designer before making that final decision. It may just change your mind and save you a ton of money!
Create an impressive web page by hiring the best web design company to design on your behalf.
I invite you to visit my webmaster forum, it's a great place to discuss websites and ask questions to fellow webmasters regarding topics that you may still have questions on.
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