It seems like everyday there are new tips and tricks to make money online. Some of these are real income generators whereas others are big wastes of time. Below, I've listed out my 2 favorite ways to make money online in 2013. You might be surprised...
Since this list is generalized for the average individual, I will avoid getting too specific with options like blogging, affiliate advertising, product resale, and others. Instead, these 2 options are good for any ordinary person looking to bring in some extra money.
HubPages is one of those websites I don't know how to stop recommending. From everyday experts to curious amateurs, HubPages has room for everyone. Basically, it's a user-generated content website that rewards individuals for creating well-researched and engaging content with bonuses (depending on activity) and ad revenue. Even better, HubPages is integrated with Amazon Affiliates, eBay affiliates, AdSense, and their very own ad earnings program. This means that writers are able to earn from a variety of different avenues.
Plus, HubPages has a deeply supportive and helpful social community that reads your articles, inputs constructive feedback, and will help you stay focused and inspired.
One of my favorite parts of HubPages is the HubPages Apprenticeship Program. Interested and dedicated writers are placed on teams and matched with a qualified mentor for 6 months to learn the ins and outs of stellar online writing. Oh yeah, and they're paid a nominal fee per post (plus future ad earnings).
Although HubPages is not a place to get rich, it can teach you the skills needed to succeed in other online writing efforts and make some revenue on the side. I highly recommend it for everyone who likes sharing their knowledge with others, and urge you to check it out!
Over the holidays, I had many people inquire as to how I constantly have new books and special discounts on my Amazon account. Somehow, I always have $5+ credit here or there. More than a few raised eyebrows were directed my way when I started mentioning this.
So, I described Swagbucks. Some people call it a paid survey site and there are many ways to earn points (which you then exchange for gift cards or credit), but I use it as a search engine swap. Basically, I set my default search engine to Swagbucks, and I'm eligible to earn points every time I search. Since $5 Amazon gift cards are 450 points, I wait until I reach that limit to cash out. Once the credit has cleared my account, I simply add it to my Amazon profile, and buy all the used books I want!
Although you won't get rich with Swagbucks, it does give you a nice discount for barely any work, and can be a big help.
These are two small programs that turn your time, interests, observations, and patience into a nice little payout. Of course, neither of these can replace your primary income, but they sure can supplement meager earnings in a very helpful way.
Do you have any other places to go to indulge your interests and make a little cash? Tell us below!
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